Best Psychiatrist in Pokhara

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Best Psychiatrist in Pokhara

Are you staying in Pokhara and having some mental health issues? Are you looking for the best psychiatrist in Pokhara? This article might be the one guiding you for helping the best psychiatrist in Pokhara.

Mental health problems in Pokhara

Mental health issues are very common nowadays in every part and cities of Nepal. In the same way, it is also common in Pokhara. People have stress, competition and due to the advanced technology of mobile, internet, the mental health issues are in rise.

Common mental illness in Pokhara

Common mental illness in Pokhara includes anxiety, depression, stress related disorder, sleep problems, OCD, alcohol and other substances related problems. Among these anxiety and depression are the most frequent one. Workplace stress and burnout are also other serious problems that is causing the mental stress and illness in Pokhara. Relationship, anger problems are also in rise in similar way.

Things to consider in best psychiatrist

While looking for the best psychiatrist for your mental health related problems, you should look for the expertise, recommendations from the patient and time given by psychiatrist to you. Everyone may claim himself or herself as best psychiatrist but you should do the enough study and research to find out if the psychiatrist is compatible to you or not.

Who is the best psychiatrist in Pokhara?

There are many psychiatrist practicing in Pokhara. We at Dr. Purushottam Adhikari’s Mind Clinic promise you provide the best psychiatrist service at Pokhara at your convenience. Though we don’t have physical clinic located at Pokhara, we tend to provide online consultation service. We will provide you the digital prescription and you can take the medicine.

What services do we offer?

We provide the services like:

  1. Anxiety treatment
  2. Depression treatment
  3. Panic attacks treatment
  4. OCD treatment
  5. Alcohol abuse treatment
  6. Counseling and therapy sessions
  7. Relationship counseling
  8. Anger management

How to contact for the best psychiatrist?

You can contact via whatsapp or call to 9841066077. Here we will assist you how to move ahead and further. We are ready to help you through the service of best psychiatrist in Pokhara.