Best Rehab center for alcohol and mental illness in Nepal

Are you or your family suffering from the mental health issues, alcohol, cannabis or other substance related problem and you are looking for best rehab center or best sudhar kendra in Kathmandu and Nepal? We provide the appropriate treatment for your patients and refer you to the best rehabilitation center in Kathmandu, Nepal for the treatment of mental health relation issues and substance use.

How rehabilitation helps in mental illness?

The patients with mental health issues along with substance use disorder have problems in day to day functioning. They are unable to perform their activity themselves. So, the patients with chronic and mental illness need some sort of rehabilitation treatment where they are taught various social skills, communications skills, activities of daily living, personal hygiene and self-care. Various occupational, vocational as well as behavioral therapists will help the patient to teach the skills so that they can practice it individually after they return to the home and community.

Rehab for alcohol, cannabis and other substance use patients

The patient with long term alcohol, cannabis, heroin and other substance use are more likely to suffer from chronic physical and mental health related problems. Counseling, therapy, motivation enhancement or anti-craving medications won’t help to all the patients. Some patients need the long term in-house care in a rehabilitation center such that various skills and methods for handling the craving are taught there. The patient remains abstinent for some period of time that also reinforces the ability for abstinence from alcohol and other substances.

How long the patient should be kept in rehab?

It depends, but it’s better to keep patients for at least few months as it takes some time for patient to learn those self-help skills and practice it in day to day life.

Best rehab center in Kathmandu

How can we choose best rehab for alcohol and mental illness?

While choosing best rehab for alcohol and mental illness you should take consideration for following points:

  1. Look the rehab center with the psychological services facility
  2. Look for the rehab center where the psychiatrist doctor regularly visits
  3. Look for the food, open spaces and recreational activities available in the rehab center
  4. If in house medical staffs are available for medicines and supervision
  5. Affordable in price

If you are in confusion and looking for the best rehab center in Kathmandu, Nepal for your patients with alcohol or other substance use or with the long term mental illness, then contact us. We at Dr. Purushottam Adhikari’s Mind Clinic will diagnose your patient with the illness, prescribe the medicines and advise for the best rehab center which will be suitable for your patients to get out from the mental health related issues.

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