In this article we will discuss about the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Kathmandu, Nepal. We will also discuss about the history, process and outcomes of CBT. So if you are looking for the best Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Kathmanudu, please book an session in our Mind clinic.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps to manage wide sort of psychiatric and psychological problems by modifying the way we think and behave. It is most effective, well researched method of treatment of depression, anxiety and other mental health related issues.
Who developed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Aaron T. Beck developed the methods of CBT. He was professor of Psychiatry at University of Pennsylvania. He devised the techniques around 1960s and 1970s and there have been several modifications and reframing since then but the core principles of CBT remains same. Beck helped his patients identify, evaluate, and respond to their unrealistic and maladaptive thinking. When he did so, they rapidly improved.
Principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT is based on the theory of cognitive model. The basic principles guiding the CBT are:
- The problems related to psychosocial stress is based in our faulty or defective way of thinking.
- The faulty or distorted pattern of thinking affects our emotions and behaviors
- Learning the better ways of managing and restructuring the thoughts will help them get rid of psychological symptoms and make us feel better
Cognitive model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
It involves thought, feelings and behavior. They are related to each other and have bidirectional relationship. So regulating our ways of thinking will help us to manage our emotions and move with healthy coping behavior.
Who is appropriate candidate for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
For CBT, certain criteria needs to be fulfilled which we say indications for going for cognitive behavioral therapy. They are:
- Mild to moderate symptoms of psychological distress psychiatric disorder
- Patient with intact higher mental function
- Cooperative patients
- Educated and self-motivated patients
- Patients reluctant to start with medication
- Potential adverse effects with medications
Steps of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT has various steps. There are total of 16 -20 sessions. The major steps for conducting CBT can be summarized as:
- History taking and Mental State Examination
- Thought recording and eliciting maladaptive thoughts
- Cognitive restructuring
- Behavioral techniques
- Summarizing and concluding sessions
Follow up sessions may be required depending upon the condition of patient and improvement.
Working on your thoughts by method of CBT
The best things you are taught are to manage or regulate your thoughts and you need to identify or record it. The thoughts you are having may be usually of three types:
- If true and not on own’s control: Work on acceptance
- If true and can be worked upon: Focus on problem solving
- If false and overgeneralization: Cognitive restructuring
Illness treated by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
More than 500 studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CBT in wide ranges of psychiatric disorders, psychological problems and medical problems with psychological components. The mental health issue that is treated by CBT includes:
- Anxiety Disorder
- Depression
- Phobia
- Eating disorders
- Sleep related disorders
- Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
- Sexual and related disorders
Medicine or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
It depends upon your problem, its severity disruption of your biorhythms like sleep, appetite and its impact on the day to day activities. The psychiatrists decide upon which method is appropriate for you and you can go for it. Usually the patient should be psychology minded and able to pick up the things taught in psychotherapy to undergo cognitive behavioral therapy.
Where is best Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Katmandu?
You need psychiatrist or clinical psychologist to do CBT on you. At our Mind Clinic, we have experts and best therapist for you to provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to get you rid from the mental health issues. If you are too having this sort of mental or psychological problems and trying to look for the solution then we are here to provide best CBT sessions in the town.
We can also provide online CBT sessions if you are far away and struggling with mental health issues